Here's today's roundup of science, nature and environment news from the Bay Area and beyond.

New President of Wildlife Conservation Society Says Mission Is to Protect SpeciesWhen Cristián Samper told his children, ages 3 and 6, that he might leave his post as director of the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History in Washington for a job in New York, they were crestfallen.

Earth sucking up increasing amounts of carbon dioxideThe Earth's ability to soak up man-made carbon dioxide emissions is a crucial yet poorly understood process with profound implications for climate change. Among the questions that have vexed climate scientists is whether the planet can keep pace with humanity's production of greenhouse gases.

Stem cell findings point toward new cancer treatmentsWhen cancers are treated, tumors may shrink but then come roaring back. Now studies on three different types of tumors suggest a key reason why: The cancers are fueled by stem cells that chemotherapy drugs don't kill.

Fish getting skin cancer from UV radiation, scientists sayIf you're still skeptical that a tan can be dangerous, consider this: Scientists have found that wild fish are getting skin cancer from ultraviolet radiation. Approximately 15% of coral trout inAustralia'sGreat Barrier Reef had cancerous lesions on their scales.