(Editor's note: Today we've got a guest post from Nick Vidinsky, Producer of KQED's Health Dialogues)
Hi everybody. I want to let the QUEST community know that over at KQED’s Health Dialogues, we just launched a new project, called Healthy Ideas: Californians Weigh In on Health Care Reform.
In his 100th day press briefing a few days ago, President Obama reiterated his desire to enact health care reform by the end of 2009. The President has also put out a call to all Americans to submit our ideas on just how to do that. So, Health Dialogues decided that we’d let Washington know what Californians think.
Is the cost of new medical technologies worth the potential health benefits? What can we do to eliminate health disparities across socioeconomic backgrounds? Should everyone be required to purchase health insurance?
Healthy Ideas is a conversation among academics, health care professionals, policy think tanks and the general public about what kind of health care reform California wants and needs. During the next two months, you can join the dialogue by reading our authors’ weekly posts, rating them and contributing your own thoughts and questions. At the end of the project, on July 1, we’ll summarize your ideas and deliver them to California’s representatives in Washington, as well as the Obama Administration, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus and Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Chairman Edward Kennedy.