KQED Pop is a daily blog edited by Emmanuel Hapsis that critically examines the social and cultural impact of music, movies, television, advertisements, fashion, the internet and all the other collective experiences that make us laugh, cringe and cry. We focus on local, national and international experiences with a Bay Area lens. We don't do reviews.
Send tips and story ideas to pop@kqed.org.
KQED Pop is part of KQED’s Blog Authors Collaborative. Blog contributors and commentators are solely responsible for their content. For more information on individual bloggers, see their listed biographies. If you’re interested in writing or contributing to this blog, or would like to see our blogger guidelines, email us at pop@kqed.org.
KQED Pop encourages reader engagement through comments and social media. Please see KQED’s Community Discussion Guidelines for more on expected behavior in these forums.
The views expressed in these posts are those of the writers and do not represent KQED.