Since the dawn of time (the '90s), Halloween has been a time for people to fly their political colors while simultaneously showing their friends/the world how clever and attractive they are. This year it is pretty much guaranteed that Halloween parties will be overrun with people creatively interpreting "Government Shutdown" with cardboard, felt, poster paint, caution tape and leggings from American Apparel. However, we know our readers are a deeper, more original bunch, and you will be looking for political Halloween costumes to set you apart from the herd. What follows are my suggestions. If you make any of them happen, please send me pictures!
1. Smoking Smokey

Last week The Daily Show had a good bit about how Smokey the Bear was off-duty and throwing cigarettes into the forest. If you have a bear costume, you owe it to your neighborhood to be this. Bonus points if you can get a child into this costume.
2. Miley Michele Bachmann

If you missed Miley Cyrus as Sexy Michele Bachmann on Saturday Night Live, you basically haven't lived. If you dress as this this year, you can pull a Halloween Hat Trick: Miley, politics and sexiness!