And lo, on this, the second day of the fifth month of the year two thousand and seventeen, Our Lady Beyoncé did bestow upon us a box set related to that, her most magical work of audio and visual art, Lemonade.
And contained within thee stark black box was one yellow-hued album, split betwixt two vinyl discs, and a great book. And lo, thou great book was glossy and had an unfeasibly large spine, owing to 600 pages of behind-the-scenes photos contained therein, in addition to words by world-renowned poet and lyricist Warsan Shire, words by Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, who hath great knowledge of many things, and even words by thou divinest of all pop maidens, Beyoncé.
As fans inevitably swoon with luminous anticipation, one might ask thineself what else this most majestic of boxes contains to warrant a $299.99 price tag.
And that's where the sound of the needle scratching across the record cuts in and this whole thing becomes distinctly un-divine. Nothing. This box contains nothing else. Beyoncé wants you to pay $299.99 for a book and a record. Sure, it's not as bad as Kanye West announcing his new plan to sell basic gold chains for $13,000 last month, but... 300 bucks is pretty steep for this set. (They could have at least thrown in a DVD!)