Saturday Night Live is one of those things, like jean jackets and high ponytails, that goes in and out of style every couple years. Sometimes, kinda like now, it isn't cool to hate it but it also isn't cool to love it either. Probably one of the reasons it isn't cool to hate it at this exact moment, even when the pandering to youth has reached an all-time Justin Bieber-y low, is the magnificent Taran Killam, who turns 31 today. Get it together folks. What are you doing with your lives? HE'S ONLY 31!
In honor of the current star of the show, who happens to have the perfect comedian birthday (because it's APRIL FOOL'S DAY), here are some classic Taran clips.
1. Call Your Girlfriend on SNL
2. "Tim & Tyree" - I Wanna Have Your Baby
3. Mad TV - A Cool Teen