The crowd at Outside Lands 2012. (Douglas Mason / Getty Images via NPR)
Ah, festival season. That time of year when we all don our favorite #festival #fashions, invest in high-quality sunblock, and research exactly which filters we should be using on Instagram to highlight the fact that we are having The Best Summer Music Festival Experience of All Time.
Oh right, and there are some bands playing.
Yes, Outside Lands is upon us once again. If you're looking to schedule your music-viewing, you can check the set times for each day here. If you're looking to read an interview with Animal, the drummer for the Muppet band Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem, Pitchfork has you covered.
Otherwise, who are we kidding? A music festival is like a Las Vegas buffet: If you do it right, you get a little bit of everything -- but the people-watching is always the best part.
A festival tragedy
With that in mind, we've created a fun interactive game you can play on the sly while you wait in line for that $18 cronut-burger. All you have to do is keep your ears and eyes open.
That's right: It's time for Outside Lands Bingo.
For maximum enjoyment, print this bad boy out before you head to the fest. Standard Bingo rules apply -- first one to get five in a row (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) wins. But maybe you're the kind of person who keeps playing 'til you've gotten 'em all anyway? Hashtag a photo of your winning card with #OSLbingo on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram to alert us to your prowess; the first five winners will be hooked up with some KQED swag post-haste.
Happy hunting!
Catch 'em all?
lower waypoint
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