Beyoncé is an undeniable force of pop stardom. Girls (and some boys) look up to her, want to emulate her and even dance like her. There are YouTube tutorials that'll try teaching you how shake it like Yoncé, but bumping into your coffee table while trying to stop, pop, and drop it doesn’t make you feel like you’re closer to being in a Beyoncé video.
Enter Carol Johnstone, one of the co-founders of Bay Area Flash Mob. After a successful Beyoncé flash mob performance earlier this year, Johnstone thought of expanding the series and focusing on the routine from the “Ego” music video. She sent out a press release to Eventbrite and 7x7, to gauge interest and hopefully gain 30-ish RSVPs for the class. She ended up with 816 sign ups.
“I want to help women feel sexy and empowered like Beyoncé and, it’s a good workout. The way she drops it the floor with her leg popped out: it’s not easy,” Carol Johnstone tells me over the phone from her home in Marin. I take her word for it, not only because Johnstone has met Queen B herself, but because I’ve stubbed my toe attempting it myself.
Johnstone’s career connected with dance five years ago, when she joined the Thrill the World flash mob to learn Michael Jackson’s "Thriller" choreography. Here, she met fellow co-founders of BAFM, who together went on to build a following of 2000+ members through word-of-mouth and social media.