It's International Cat Day, a moment to reflect on the majestic felines all around us, who very kindly choose not to murder us on a daily basis, even though they probably could if they wanted.
According to some sources, the domestic cat has been living with humans for 12,000 years now, which speaks to the deep bond between our species and theirs. 'Tis a rich a history too: The Ancient Egyptians worshipped a cat goddess named Bastet, the Romans saw cats as a symbol of liberty and divinity, and in the Far East, kitties guarded precious manuscripts against rodent attack.
In 2018 though, there seems to be no better form of cat worship than music. Take iAmMoshow, for example. The Portland, Oregon rapper's back catalog includes tracks like "Adopt a Cat" and "Cat Emotions," but the MC's finest moment undoubtedly is when he felt inspired to freestyle while sharing a bath with his beloved tabby, Ravioli. As online representations of the love between man and cat go, you'd be hard-pushed to find a more delightful one than this:
Ex-San Francisco resident and nerdcore rap king, Schäffer the Darklord, also captured his love of all things feline in a 2007 track titled "Cat People." Lyrics include "Acting like a captain as they pace in the place, Making biscuits in your lap with their ass in your face." And live performances of the song included special claw-based dance moves that pre-dated Lady Gaga's monster paws by a full two years.