This week, the fancy pants people at Forbes told the world what a million Giants fans already know: San Francisco's got the best damn ballpark in the entire country.
Forbes Says AT&T Park is the Greatest Ballpark in America (Duh)

Forbes National Baseball Writer, Maury Brown, assessed all 30 MLB ballparks, based on "the overall aesthetics of the ballpark design; its setting; the visuals from within the seating bowl or surrounding views; the amenities offered at the facility; historic relevance; and external development that adds to the experience."
Yes, AT&T Park is great at all of those things, but it is also so much more than a beautifully designed arena with a swoon-worthy Bay backdrop.
Where else can you go to a sporting event and throw yourself down a slide inside a gigantic Coca-Cola bottle? Who else has ever gone to the trouble of making and displaying a God-sized baseball mitt? Who else has Metallica just show up every year to do the National Anthem on team-appropriate guitars? Where else in the world is there a stadium that serves vegetarian hotdogs? And, most importantly, where else can you celebrate the site of Kim and Kanye's engagement, while watching 18 men running around a field throwing balls at each other?

Also, can we talk about the majesty of Lou Seal while we're at it? We're pretty sure Lou could top a list of MLB mascots, given the opportunity. Lou's got style, panache, a kickass golf cart, and costume changes to die for (anyone who's ever been to Star Wars Day can attest to this).
So thanks Forbes, for confirming what we already suspected: San Francisco rules, and so does our ballpark, and our baseball team (three out of five World Series wins between 2010 and 2015)! All together now: We're number one! We're number one! We're number one!