We've made it! This is the SEASON FINALE ofDownton Abbey. Okay, well, yes, due to the British habit of Christmas specials (do these all air on Christmas? How do they have time to do yearly reenactments of Love Actually?) this is the second to last episode. But it's still two hours! So tuck yourself in, remember the old SPOILER ALERT, and get ready for laughter, love, tears, and tradition. On to Downton.
We begin with the most hotly anticipated ending of the season! Bates is finally out of Downton Oz! His limp is back and his true love is waiting for him! Will she ever know the limp is just for effect and he uses violence to get what he wants? I think that Sherlock Anna knows and she doesn't care one bit! That's what true love means!
Downstairs, the footmen are in a dithery tither! What will happen to Thomas' career now that Bates is back??
Upstairs, angry old man Robert is angry again. Luckily his truest, dearest friend is home and he has that dog sidekick. Maybe things are looking up?
It's raining at Downton. Last time this happened Sybil and Branson had to escape by boat separately from Ireland. What does it mean this time? Maybe a different sort of disaster is coming. This one will be prostitute-based as it appears Lady Violet isn't as friendly to the ladies of the night as she once was. As she tells Isobel: "You've surrounded this house with a miasma of scandal." Not looking good for old Ethel.
In the background the nanny walks the baby much like one would walk a dog.
Mosely says something sad.
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