KQED's Perspectives wants to hear your story of the Vietnam conflict.
The new Ken Burns’ 10-part documentary film ‘The Vietnam War’ debuts on September 17 on KQED 9. Perspectives will devote an entire week to commentaries focused on the many experiences of this historic conflict. The war was fought at home and abroad. It divided families, communities and the nation as few American wars have.
We are seeking commentaries and stories that reflect the exceptional diversity of lives shaped and experiences and points of view forged by that war. If you are a veteran who served or had a family member who served, an anti-war activist or draft resister who marched, a refugee who fled, or are one of countless people who had the arc of your life changed by the Vietnam war, we’d like to hear from you.
The usual Perspectives format applies – a narrative no more than two minutes in length, or about 350-375 words depending on your rate of speech. All submissions accepted will be recorded at KQED studios in San Francisco.
The deadline for submissions is September 1.