Ray Chery has found a new way to appreciate his life and all the joy in it.
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the noise of modern daily life? “Did you see this?” “Did you hear about that?” If you’re anything like me, through the incessant buzz of notifications and the glow of screens, you feel the constant and unrelenting assault on your attention.
Recently, I’ve made the conscious decision to slow down a bit – removing social media, consuming less news, and spending more time in nature. Shifting energy from the digital world to the natural world has empowered me to rediscover the small joys of daily life – different leaves that color a walk around the block, birdsong filling the air in the back yard, an older couple enjoying a leisurely walk. It feels like the constant barrage of stimulus from a 24-hour news cycle and continuous internet access has led to a collective addiction to distraction. Given the nature of most of this content, despair and despondency can begin to overshadow all the veritable joy and beauty that surrounds us in daily life.
As a father to two young children, I find myself seeing the world through their eyes. Their days are filled with wonder, whether they’re building Lego structures indoors, or chasing bugs and collecting rocks outdoors. Amidst the logistical and emotional rollercoaster of being a modern parent, I’ve challenged myself to be more present and practice more gratitude for the life I get to live. I’ve been actively seeking quiet through the noise and a real connection to the people and things that should matter most. As a result, I’ve been able to spend more quality time with and have more appreciation for my wife, my kids and my parents.