When YR Media’s Stella Lau enrolled inn community college, she thought she was falling behind. But she soon learned that wasn’t the case.
Last year, I lived through every high school senior’s nightmare: I was rejected from all the colleges I applied to. It’s not that I was a bad student. I had tunnel vision, applying only to selective schools. I didn’t consider any alternative.
So when I got rejected, I flew into a panic. I thought there was only one path to success, and I wasn’t on it. While all my friends were picking out twin extra-long sheets, I was left wondering what kind of future I could have.
When my panic subsided, I enrolled in community college. I wasn’t excited. I thought community college would be like a continuation of high school. I imagined janky classrooms with incompetent teachers that lectured their students to sleep. I was so wrong.
My art history professor was so poetic, her lectures felt spoken word. My classmates were intelligent and came from all walks of life — some still figuring things out, like me.