Les Blank died on Sunday.
The 77-year-old documentary film maker blazed a mark on his genre with his quirky, offbeat and poetic vision — one that suited him for life in Berkeley where he made his home for 30 years.
It was there, in his home in the hills, that he died of stomach cancer, his son Harrod Blank reported.
but also made tributes to gap-toothed women...
and garlic eaters...
and even fellow filmmaker Werner Herzog's attempt to eat a shoe.
All this came about when Blank decided he wasn't cracked up to become a writer, he explains in this March 13, 2012 interview on The Lip TV's BYOD:
Here is The Associated Press obituary:
BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Les Blank, an acclaimed documentary maker who focused his camera on cultural corners ranging from blues music, to garlic lovers, to shoe-eating artists, died Sunday at age 77, his son said.