Inmates to Ask Judge to Stop Isolation of Mentally Ill
Protesters in downtown Los Angeles on Thursday called on Governor Brown to do something about the state prison hunger strike, which is in its fourth week. The strike is led by inmates at Pelican Bay State Prison. They are protesting conditions and the criteria for being put in the so-called Security Housing Unit, where inmates are isolated. A lawyer for the inmates plans to ask a federal judge who oversees California prisons to stop putting mentally ill inmates in isolation.
Poll: Majority of Californians Oppose Fracking
California may be on the verge of an oil boom powered by hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. But a new poll finds residents have doubts about the controversial practice. In fact, 51 percent of those polled are against it.
First School to Reorganize Under Parent Trigger Law Reopens
This week, an elementary school in Adelanto, California opened its doors for the first time under new management, thanks to the so-called parent trigger law. It's the first public school in the state to do so, after two years of conflict and court battles -- and expectations are running high.