Helping Kids Get a Healthy Start in Life
Nadine Burke Harris is a San Francisco pediatrician who refuses to believe that poverty and poor health inevitably go hand in hand. She's CEO of the Center for Youth Wellness. It serves mostly low-income families living in San Francisco's Bayview-Hunters Point neighborhood.
Bangla-Pesa: An Innovative Barter System in Kenya
California is known as a cradle of innovation, the birthplace of crazy ideas that make change in some of the farthest corners of the world. That's the focus of our next profile -- a Californian in Kenya who's shaking up one local economy with a revolutionary idea.
The Chicana First Lady of Song
Central Valley bureau chief Sasha Khokha brings us this profile of 74-year-old Carmencristina Moreno of Fresno, who some call the "Chicana First Lady of Song."
Walking Across California with Three Mules
Road trips are a quintessential part of the California experience. But here's a journey that's unusual even by California standards. Sixty-five-year-old John Sears has spent 10 years traveling on foot -- with three mules. But it's more than just an adventure. Sears is on a mission: he's protesting the loss of open spaces by living outdoors with the animals. Shuka Kalantari caught up with the man nicknamed 'Mule' in Salinas to learn where he's going next, and why.
The Last Living Resident of China Camp
China Camp State Park in Marin County is known for good hiking and mountain biking. But before China Camp was a state park, it was a settlement where many Chinese immigrants and their families made a living, and a home. They're all gone now. Except for one. Reporter Julie Caine visited the last living resident of China Camp, and brings us this story of a place where the past and the present are still very much alive.