Vast Shortage of Black and Hispanics in Physician Workforce
Health care providers across the state are bracing for a surge of low-income patients moving into Medi-Cal -- California's version of Medicaid. They've had roughly three years to prepare for the influx, but it's difficult to change the workforce in the time they've had to prepare for the Affordable Care Act.
Family Values: Immigrant Households More Likely to Include Grandparents
In recent years, there's been a lot of talk about young adults living with their parents. Staggering under huge college debt loads, slaving away in poorly paid jobs thanks to the Great Recession, many 20-somethings just don't have what it takes to set up an independent life. A few months ago, Jed Kolko, chief economist for Trulia, the online real estate marketplace, wondered aloud: what about the flip side?