House Votes to Stop Medical Marijuana Crackdowns
Orange County Republican congressman Dana Rohrabacher's amendment barring federal interference in states that legalize medical marijuana passed in the U.S. House of Representatives early Friday. Noting an overwhelming change in public opinion about medical marijuana, Rohrabacher said he was prompted to offer the amendment to a justice department funding measure.
Low-Spending GOP Gubernatorial Primary Down to Final Days
Voters head to the polls on Tuesday. But according to experts, not too many will actually show up. One of the sleepiest races is the most consequential: the race for governor. At many times this year, the Republican race for governor has looked more like a state Senate campaign than a contest for chief executive of the nation's largest state. Partly, that's because the odds are stacked against whichever Republican emerges to face Gov. Brown in November.
Vital Signs: Navigating a College Campus with a Disability
For students with disabilities, just getting to class can be a hurdle, especially when the school campus itself has dramatic changes in elevation. As part of our first-person series called "Vital Signs," we explore how the environment affects health. UC Santa Cruz senior Ariana Rojas talks about navigating her campus' unique terrain. Arthritis and chronic pain limit her ability to climb stairs and walk the grounds.