State Senate Plan Would Stop UC Tuition Hike
Democratic state lawmakers are proposing a plan to fund California's public universities without raising basic tuition. State senators Kevin de Leon and Marty Block propose getting money from three sources: raising tuition for out-of-state students, shifting money from a scholarship that benefits middle-income families and drawing more money from the state general fund. Block says added state funding will eliminate a planned 5 percent tuition hike for UC students.
Sacramento Officials Hope to Speed Up Water Meter Installation
Throughout most of California, people pay their water bill based on how much they use -- and usage is measured by meters. That's not so in Sacramento, where about half of residents consume all the water they want for a flat monthly rate. That's the backdrop for a plan adopted 10 years ago to install water meters throughout the city. We talk with investigative journalist Joe Rubin, who started looking into the project six months ago. He found Sacramento's plan nearly 10 times more expensive than installing meters cost in other cities, and the process to be painstakingly slow. Now, Sacramento's city manager is taking steps to speed it up and get the water meters in place.