Partisan Reactions From Calif. Lawmakers to State of the Union
Judging from the reactions to President Obama's State of the Union Address, the gridlock and bipartisanship that's come to define the nation's capital are alive and well. California's Democrats liked the proposed tax credits for child care and raising the minimum wage, while Republicans were outraged at the president's proposal for free community college access.
15 Community Colleges Selected to Offer Four-Year Degrees
Following a bill passed last year, 15 California community colleges now have permission to offer bachelor's degrees you can't get at a UC or Cal State school. Those degrees would cost about $10,000.
Big Tech Firms Lay Off Thousands to Keep Up With Boom
California may be in the middle of a tech boom -- but the tech industry had more layoffs in 2014 than almost any other sector. According to a recent study, last year tech companies shed some 60,000 jobs. That's a 69 percent rise from the year earlier. Most of those layoffs are happening at big tech companies. Bloomberg View columnist Katie Benner says in large part, it's the tech boom that's driving the layoffs.