New Consulate Marks Surging Guatemalan Population in Inland Empire
For years, Guatemalan immigrants in Southern California had just one consulate they could go to for services. It's in Los Angeles, even though the Southland is home to the largest number of Guatemalans outside Central America. A second consulate opens later this month about 70 miles east of L.A., in the San Bernardino area.
What a Narcoleptic Dog Can Teach Us About Sleep
At Stanford's Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine, there's an unusual group of patients who suffer from narcolepsy who are helping doctors and researchers. They're chihuahuas, poodles and other dogs with a genetic predisposition to the sleep disorder. KQED Science reporter Amy Standen joins us to explain.
Who Gets to Draw California's Political Map? Supreme Court May Decide
The way California draws its political map faces a major challenge in a case being heard in front of the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday. It's actually a case focused on Arizona. But a key question the case turns on -- the power of legislators vs. the power of voters -- has huge implications for California.