Harris Partners With UC to Bring More Sexual Assault Cases to Police
State Attorney General Kamala Harris unveiled a new set of policies calling on colleges to report all sexual assaults to police. Many colleges choose to handle such allegations internally, with on-campus police taking the lead. That practice has been controversial. The new policies are voluntary, but University of California President Janet Napolitano says all 10 campuses in the system would adopt the policies.
Thousands of Eligible Students Turned Away From State Universities
Students in the top 9 percent of their high school class are guaranteed a spot somewhere in the University of California system. But thousands of eligible California students are being turned away from UC campuses, even as out-of-state enrollment is expected to rise. Schools in the California State University system are also turning away eligible students.
California Interest Groups Hedge Their Bets, Give Cash to Anyone In Power
In politics, we hear a lot about groups that back one party or one candidate. Unions for Democrats, business groups for Republicans. But in Sacramento, political giving from some special interests isn't that special at all. Many big groups flex their political muscle by simply hedging their bets, spreading money around to both parties; and in some cases, even both candidates in the same race.