(Bay City News) Bryan Stow, the San Francisco Giants fan who suffered brain damage when he was beaten after a baseball game in Los Angeles, is making progress in his recovery and is speaking, his family said Wednesday.

In a hard-to-hear gravelly voice, Stow was been able to say the names of his children, Tabitha and Tyler, and when shown pictures of them he said, "I would like to see them soon," Stow's family said on a website they created to chronicle his progress.
In August, Stow, a 42-year-old Santa Cruz man who was attacked outside Dodger Stadium after the March 31 season opener between the Giants and the Dodgers, encountered setbacks in his recovery as he battled infections related to surgery to replace a missing part of his skull with a bone flap.
Swelling in Stow's brain had prompted Los Angeles doctors to remove a portion of his skull to relieve pressure on his brain. Doctors at San Francisco General Hospital said the procedure saved Stow's life, but that replacing the missing skull fragment has proved challenging.
Doctors have had to attempt that surgery several times in recent months because of complications. Doctors performed the most recent surgery to insert the bone flap on Aug. 10.