Republican Debate in Simi Valley Could Spell Trouble for State GOP
The California Republican Party has seen shrinking registration numbers in a state where the Latino and immigrant population is growing. The candidates on stage Wednesday hit the issue of immigration hard, which might not be what the state party needs to expand its base.
U.S. and China Talk Climate Change at L.A. Summit
Leaders from the United States and China met this week in Los Angeles to discuss global climate change, and what their cities can do about it. The Climate Leadership Summit expands on a deal that leaders from both countries endorsed last November.
Valley Fire Evacuees Turn to Music to Help Cope with Loss
Victims of the Valley Fire in Lake County north of San Francisco continue to wait for word on when they will be able to return to home. In the meantime, many already know that there is no longer a home there for them to go back to. Some of them are turning to music to make sense of their losses.