Oakland Police Chief Anthony Batts told members of the San Antonio neighborhood that he expected at least one of two anti-prostitution proposals being explored for the area to become a reality soon. Dozens of members of the International Boulevard community, often called the “Track” because of the prevalence of the sex trade there, marched between 17th and 23rd avenues in a show of unity against prostitution on Thursday night.
Batts said his department is looking into posting mug shots of men arrested on suspicion of prostitution on the Oakland police website, or using Department of Motor Vehicle records to send “Dear John” warning letters to owners of vehicles spotted loitering along the strip.
“We’re working through issues with the city attorney and looking into whether we can use DMV records that way,” he told the crowd as it gathered on 17th Avenue.
The event, called “Safe Streets, Safe Kids,” marked the third time since March that residents have gathered to oppose prostitution and pimping, particularly of minors. The nonprofit Oakland Community Organizations put together the rally with the East Bay Asian Youth Center (EBAYC) .
Andy Nelsen of EBAYC has lived in the area for some 30 years and has a young daughter.