S.F. Election Analysis
This week, San Francisco voters rejected Proposition F, which would have placed limits on short-term home rentals. Airbnb, which facilitates such rentals, spent more than $8 million to defeat the measure. Was a vote against Proposition F a vote in favor of Airbnb? KQED's political reporter, Marisa Lagos, helps answer that question and analyzes other key election results.
Schools and Police
Every year, thousands of students across the country are arrested or referred to courts for a wide range of disciplinary issues. The Center for Public Integrity found that black, Latino and disabled students are disproportionately represented in those referrals in most states, including California. Chief Jeff Godown, of the Oakland Unified School District Police Department, Maaika Marshall, from Richmond's RYSE Youth Center, and Linnea Nelson, education equity staff attorney at the ACLU of Northern California, join Thuy Vu to talk about the disparities in schools and the relationship between police and kids on campus.
California's historic drought has killed more than 6 million trees in the Sierra Nevada, from cedars to oaks. Now the state's iconic giant sequoias are starting to show signs of stress. KQED Science producer Gabriela Quirós follows a team of UC Berkeley biologists as they climb several giant trees in Sequoia National Park to measure their health.