Bay Area Ebola Preparedness
Is the Bay Area prepared for Ebola? For months, the outbreak of the virus has played out on a remote stage in countries like Liberia and Sierra Leone. But with the first confirmed domestic case in Texas and another potential case in Washington, D.C., we take a look at how the Bay Area's public health systems are prepared to handle a potential Ebola outbreak.
• Eric Talbert, Emergency USA Executive Director
• April Dembosky, KQED News health reporter
Further Reporting:
In Face of Ebola, California-Trained Doctor Treats Patients in Liberia
California's Consent Law
California's landmark "Yes means Yes" consent law signed by Gov. Brown this week is intended to reduce sexual assaults at colleges and universities. It requires students who engage in sexual encounters on campus to give consent that is "affirmative, conscious and voluntary." The law comes amidst escalating concerns over the number of sexual assaults on college campuses and the revelation that many reported incidents are not investigated. At the end of last month, a U.C. task force released its list of seven recommendations to address the issue.
• Prof. Michele Dauber, Stanford University School of Law
• Nanette Asimov, San Francisco Chronicle reporter