Boxer, Feinstein Senate Endorsements Boost Kamala Harris
We begin with Kamala Harris. Her Senate candidacy got a big boost Thursday morning from two California political heavy weights. Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer endorsed the California Attorney General to fill Boxer's seat. Their announcement came just hours after Harris faced off against her challenger for the Senate seat, Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez.
Californians Slack Off on Water Conservation
Californians have been slacking off on water conservation. Statewide water savings fell by 10 percent in August compared to the same month last year. If conservation keeps dropping off, state officials say mandatory cuts could come back early next year.
State Weighs Stronger Pesticide Regulations Around Kids
California may restrict the use of certain pesticides near children. Essentially, farmers wouldn't be able to spray within a quarter mile of schools and day care centers or during school hours. Some counties already restrict spraying. And some farmers have objected to more regulations. The state is taking public comment through Nov. 17.