Merced County Considers Changes at Jail After Hunger Strike
A hunger strike at two Merced County jails in the Central Valley -- part of a much larger nationwide and statewide prison strike -- ended this week after jail officials agreed to some of the inmates' demands.
Regulators Pass New Safety Rules for Hospital Workers
The murder of a nurse at Napa State Hospital nearly six years ago inspired California labor officials to approve new rules this week designed to protect health care workers from violence on the job. The regulations approved by the Cal/OSHA Standards Board are being hailed as historic and a blueprint that could be followed by other states and the federal government.
Are Sanders' Supporters Still Feeling the Bern?
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders was back in California recently, trying to harness some of his popularity on behalf of progressive causes like Proposition 61. Nearly 2.5 million Californians voted for Sanders in the Democratic primary. Now, Sanders is calling on his supporters to back some key issues, and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. But that last ask is a tough one for some Sanders supporters.
Obama Critic Darrell Issa Praises the President in Campaign Mailer
We end this week with Southern California Congressman Darrell Issa. He's been a critic of President Obama in the past -- but touted working with Obama in a new mailer for his closely watched re-election campaign.