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The California Report

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Proposition 51 Bond Measure Pits School Needs Against Worries Over State Debt
California voters will decide whether the state should borrow $9 billion to rebuild schools and community colleges. Right now, polls show Proposition 51 has about 46 percent of support from voters. But Gov. Jerry Brown opposes it, calling it the "developers' $9 billion bond."

San Diego Chargers Stadium Measure Would Increase Taxes in the City
A local ballot measure in San Diego could change the sports economy in Southern California. Next week, San Diego voters will decide whether to increase a local tax to help build a stadium for the Chargers as well as a convention center. A "no" vote on Measure C could lead to a breakup between the city and the Chargers. And San Diego's NFL team isn't just flirting with leaving the city. They've basically hired a divorce attorney and started going on dates with Los Angeles. The NFL has given the team an open invitation to join the Rams in L.A. next year at the coliseum.

California College Hopefuls See Benefits of Early Financial Aid Filing
Incoming and attending college students used to have to wait until January to begin their financial aid applications. But this year, for the first time, the financial aid window opened in October.


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