Feinstein Backs Legislation to Give Undocumented Farmworkers Path to Citizenship
Sen. Dianne Feinstein made her first public comments on Tuesday about legislation that would give agricultural workers a path to citizenship.
Rep. Jeff Denham Grilled by Constituents After Controversial GOP Health Care Vote
Let's move now to the Central Valley town of Riverbank. That's where Republican Congressman Jeff Denham faced concerned constituents after voting for the plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. He was the first of 14 California Republicans to talk to constituents.
Families of San Bernardino Shooting Victims Sue Silicon Valley Tech Companies
Families of three of the victims of the 2015 mass shooting in San Bernardino are suing Facebook, Twitter and Google for not doing enough to stop terrorists from using their sites to plan violent acts. But what responsibility do websites have over what their users post?
Rep. Adam Schiff Calls for Independent Investigation of Trump Campaign
California Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff says the firing of FBI Director James Comey is hugely problematic. He's calling for the appointment of an independent prosecutor for the investigation and the creation of an independent commission.