Marisa Lagos recounts an early formative experience that made her understand the deep responsibility that journalists have to serve those who feel powerless.
Marisa Lagos recounts an early formative experience that made her understand the deep responsibility that journalists have to serve those who feel powerless.
Transcript of Comic Strip
This is a KQED Origin Story by Marisa Lagos, KQED Political Correspondent & Co-Host, Political Breakdown. Marisa is speaking in all the panels.
Panel 1: When I was a senior in high school, a friend was murdered.
Panel 2: A news reporter holds a microphone up to three teenage girls, who all look sad. Caption reads: "A local TV reporter came over and spent an hour talking to a group of her friends about her life and legacy . . ."
Panel 3: A closeup of a newspaper article showing a mug shot of the murder suspect, and a line reading "victim's friend...". Caption reads: " . . . then only ended up running a short comment from one of us about the man who killed her."
Panel 4: I already wanted to go into journalism because of my love for writing, passion for politics and belief that a strong press is a cornerstone of democracy . . .
Panel 5: Closeup of a crying girl. Caption reads ". . .but that experience also made me understand the deep responsibility journalists have to bear witness to pain and to give voice to people who feel powerless."
Panel 6: A burning candle with dripping wax. Caption reads "It's a lesson I will never, ever forget."
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