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Census Takers: We're Being Told to Finish Early, Cut Corners

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Census 2020 signs at De Fremery Park in West Oakland on Sept. 16, 2020. (Beth LaBerge/KQED)

As a federal judge considers whether the Trump administration violated her order for the 2020 census to continue through October by setting an Oct. 5 end date, her court has been flooded with messages from census takers who say they are being asked to cut corners and finish their work early.

Josh Harkin, a census taker in Northern California, said in an email Tuesday to the court that he had been instructed to finish up by Wednesday, even though his region in the Santa Rosa area still had 17,000 homes to count.

“Please do something to help us! We really need to go until the end of October to have a chance at a reasonable count for our communities," Harkin wrote.

Paul Costa, a census taker in California currently working in Las Vegas, said in an email to U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh on Tuesday that census takers were being pressured to close cases quickly, “if not at all accurately."

“Many states, including Nevada has not been properly counted yet. Especially the Southeastern states ravaged by the recent hurricanes. We want to be able to do our jobs correctly & as accurately as possible," Costa wrote.

A San Francisco census taker, whose name was redacted in the email, was instructed to turn in census equipment on Wednesday since field operations were ending. The census taker asked the judge to order the Census Bureau to stop laying off census takers, also called enumerators, so that the head count will continue through October as the judge had ordered.


Another census taker, who only was identified as “Mr. Nettle," reached out to plaintiffs' attorneys and told them that census takers were being pressured “to check off as many households as complete, seemingly to boost numbers everywhere above 99%, while sacrificing accuracy and completeness," according to a court filing.

A census taker who also wanted to stay anonymous emailed the judge that starting Thursday the U.S. Census Bureau was laying off workers in its Mobile Questionnaire Assistance program, which sends census takers to neighborhoods with low response rates to the census to help them participate.

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Last week, Koh issued a preliminary injunction stopping the census from ending Wednesday and clearing the way for it to continue through Oct. 31. The judge in San Jose, California, sided with civil rights groups and local governments that had sued the Census Bureau and the Department of Commerce, which oversees the statistical agency, arguing that minorities and others in hard-to-count communities would be missed if the counting ended at the end of September instead of the end of October.

Koh is holding a hearing on Friday to determine whether the Trump administration violated her order by putting out a statement that Oct. 5 was a target date for ending the census or whether it should be held in contempt.

The census is used to determine how many congressional seats each state gets and the distribution of $1.5 trillion in federal funds annually.

The complaints by the census takers echo concerns that other census takers have made to The Associated Press over the past week.

James Christy, the Census Bureau's assistant director for field operations, said in a declaration to the court Tuesday that he had sent an email to all managers involved with field operations stating that they must comply with Koh's injunction.

“To be clear, no occupied housing units will go ‘uncounted,'" Christy said.

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