Data Breach Compromises 50 Million Facebook Users - But Is it Really Just Business as Usual for Facebook?
The social media giant Facebook is under fire for what is being called a breach of around 50 million users' data by a third-party company called Cambridge Analytica. But the more this story is dissected, it's not a hack or a data breach. Instead, it's business as usual -- to a point -- when third party companies go data mining on Facebook, where people turn over information without knowing how it will be used. The news comes as a New York Times report revealed that Facebook's chief information security officer Alex Stamos plans to leave the company. The British government is now seeking a warrant to search databases and servers belonging to Cambridge Analytica, and the company's CEO Alexander Nix was caught on camera appearing to acknowledge that the firm works secretly in political campaigns around the world by using front companies and subcontractors.
Reporter: Sam Harnett
The Gaming World Wakes Up to Expanding Accessibility for the Visually Impaired
The Game Developers Conference, or GDC, is packing the streets of downtown San Francisco this week. KQED’s Silicon Valley Arts & Culture Reporter Rachael Myrow tells us about one presenter at the conference dedicated to helping visually impaired gamers.
Reporter: Rachel Myrow
Orange County Supervisors Vote for More Homeless Shelters
For months, the Orange County Board of Supervisors had insisted there were enough shelters and homeless services in the county for more than 700 people who had been living along the Santa Ana River before being forced out in February. But yesterday, the board voted to set up as many three new temporary shelters.
Reporter: Jill Replogle
Pregnancy Clinics Fight State Regulations
A few hundred pregnancy centers and clinics are challenging a state law that requires them to inform clients about the availability of free or low cost birth control, prenatal care from the state, and abortion services. State law also requires that pregnancy centers clarify whether or not they are licensed, and provide a state phone number for Medi-Cal. But some clinics are fighting against these regulations.
Reporter: Carrie Feibel
Southern California Counties Order Storm Evacuations
Emergency officials in Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties have ordered thousands of residents to evacuate by 5 p.m. today. The orders come as a major storm with the potential to trigger significant flash flooding and debris flows aims straight for the recent wildfire burn area.
Reporter: Stephanie O’Neill