Trump Administration Sues California Over Sanctuary Policies as AG Sessions Heads to Sacramento
The Trump administration is suing California. The lawsuit is over state laws enacted this year designed to shield undocumented immigrants from federal immigration authorities.
Reporter: Katie Orr
L.A. Police Commission Wants Fewer Homeless Arrests
The Los Angeles Police Department submitted its first annual report on department interactions with the homeless people yesterday. The report shows that arrests are up.
Reporter: Frank Stoltze
Uncertain Future Awaits O.C. Homeless After Motel Vouchers Expire
U.S. District Judge David O. Carter ordered homeless advocates and the County to work together to find housing and services for homeless people evicted from the Orange County riverbed. The deal included providing 30 day motel and meal vouchers to around 700 people.
Reporter: Jill Replogle
To Screen or Not to Screen? Doctors Debate Post Partum Depression Testing
California lawmakers will soon begin debating a bill that would require doctors to screen new mothers for mental health problems – once while they’re pregnant and again, after giving birth.
Reporter: April Dembosky
Lawsuit to Hinge on State's Rights in Immigration Enforcement
The Justice Department's brief against California's immigration laws is based on the Supremacy Clause.
Guest: Rory Little
Study: Prop 47 Not to Blame for Crime Increase
For the first time, researchers say there is conclusive evidence that Prop 47 is not to blame for an uptick in crime that occurred immediately after voters approved the measure in 2014.
Reporter: Sara Hossaini