In a move that shakes up more than a century of tradition, the Boy Scouts of America announced Wednesday that starting next year, it will welcome girls into some Scouting programs.
The BSA said in a statement on its site that girls can join its Cub Scouts program starting in 2018. It will be up to existing packs to decide whether they will remain all-boys, go co-ed or create all-girl divisions. Cub Scout dens, which are smaller units of six to eight kids within packs, will remain single-gender.
As for older girls, the organization says it will announce a program next year that will enable them to earn the highest rank of Eagle Scout. It hopes to have the program in place in 2019.
"This unique approach allows the organization to maintain the integrity of the single gender model while also meeting the needs of today's families," BSA said.
The decision comes after years of requests from families, the organization said. "Most are dual-earners and there are more single-parent households than ever before, making convenient programs that serve the whole family more appealing."