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Here's What You Could Buy With the Estimated $800k Cal Spent on Milo Yiannopolous

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That's one expensive photo op. (KQED)

UC Berkeley was bracing for protests over a series of inflammatory speakers who planned to visit campus during a four-day period at the end of September. The event fizzled, but the school still spent an estimated $800,000 on security.

In the end, only Milo Yiannopoulos (with a small contingent, including Pamela Geller) made it to campus. He didn't speak that much on Sept. 24 but had many photos taken.  UC Berkeley spokesman Dan Mogulof said, “It feels a little bit like probably the most expensive photo op in the university’s history.”

UC Berkeley usually sets aside about $200,000 a year for protest response and demonstration management. This one event is estimated to have cost the university four times that amount.

All this got us thinking: What else could we do with $800,000?

School supplies. You could buy 8 million pencils. Or 800 MacBook Airs. Or 133,333 paperback copies of William Shakespeare’s collected works.

That's 200 pencils for every Berkeley student. At the rate people use pencils these days, they'd probably be set for life. (Nevit Dilmen/Wikimedia Commons)

Need caffeine? You could purchase 188,235 cappuccinos at $4.25 a whack.

When did we start agreeing to pay over $4 for a cup of coffee? (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cappuccino_big.jpg)

But seriously. With $800,000, Berkeley could cover the yearly costs for 23 in-state students. That includes tuition, housing, supplies — everything.

With $800K most of the kids in this picture could go to college for free for one year (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

The school could give its roughly 547 custodians a one-time $1,462 bonus. That’s almost 4 percent of their average income.


Or, Berkeley could hire 40 more graduate students instructors like William Callison. He teaches political science and makes $20,000 a year, pretax.

Forget about UC Berkeley. With that money you could buy eight Tesla Roadsters.

These puppies go for around 100 grand a pop (Vince Bucci/Getty Images)

You could acquire this little house in Berkeley.


And if you just really needed to get out of the Bay Area, you could fly to New York last-minute. You could do that a lot. About 1,700 times.

A couple hundred bucks will get you a last-minute, one-way ticket away from UC Berkeley and all the way to the Big Apple (Nicolas Halftermeyer)

In the end, only Yiannopoulos actually came to UC Berkeley for what was supposed to be a four-day "Free Speech Week" event with numerous speakers. He didn't stay long, just about 20 minutes. If you break that down, the security cost for him was $40,000 a minute.

The total UC Berkeley budget deficit is projected to be about $110 million. At a rate of $40,000 a minute, the school could pay off its deficit in just under 46 hours.

What would you do with 800 grand?

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