The End of An Era: California to Close Last Nuclear Power Plant
California's last nuclear power plant is on its way out. PG&E announced on Tuesday that it will close the Diablo Canyon power plant by 2025. While it sounds like a big win for environmentalists, it turns out that some of them aren't so happy that California will be nuclear free.
Tesla Offers to Buy SolarCity for $2.8 Billion
The electric car company Tesla has offered to buy Solar City for $2.8 billion. SolarCity is based in San Mateo and is one of the nation's largest rooftop solar companies. The chairman and top shareholder of both companies is Elon Musk.
L.A. Unified Considers a College Savings Account for Every Student
California's largest school district, L.A. Unified, is taking the lead from another school district in the state and considering creating a college savings account for every student. The goal is to get parents to start thinking about college early on, and to help with costs once they're enrolled.