Admissions Resume at Nation's Largest Medical Prison
The nation's largest medical prison in Stockton, designed to care for California's sickest inmates, is once again accepting new admissions after a court-ordered hiatus. Earlier in the year, the court-appointed monitor suspended all transfers to the $800 million California Health Care Facility (CHCF) because of unsanitary conditions.
Poll: Latino Voters Concerned Over Job Security
The nation's largest Latino advocacy group, the National Council of La Raza, wraps up its annual conference in Los Angeles on Tuesday. Immigration was a hot topic at the gathering, but so was the economy. The council released a survey quizzing 500 registered Latino voters about job security, housing and personal finances. Over half of respondents said they're worried someone in their household may lose their job.
Summer School for Teens With Ambition, and Ability to Pay
If you're a teenager with your eye on attending a good college, summer school is a serious business. For high-achieving students, it's a way to stack a high school transcript to shine above the rest. But at some districts, students are having to foot a steep bill themselves.