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The California Report

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Californians Hail Obama's Push for Immigration Reform
President Barack Obama is expected to launch a major push for immigration reform on Tuesday. It's a big moment for advocates from California who've been lobbying for this day for years in Washington, D.C.

Calif. Lawmaker Pushes for Earthquake Warning System
Imagine if California had an early warning system that gave everybody a few seconds to brace for impact before an earthquake. Japan has such a system, and when that massive quake hit in 2011, a sensor embedded in the ground sent out an alert that launched warnings across the country. State Senator Alex Padilla would love to see something similar in California, before the next Big One hits.

Medi-Cal Expansion Necessary to Meet Health Reform Goals
This week, state lawmakers are meeting in a special session to hash out the logistical details of fully enacting the Affordable Care Act by January, 2014. The special session allows for laws to take effect within 90 days, rather than next year. A new state-run insurance market is supposed to be up and running by October, so those rules need to be established. And Medi-Cal -- the federally funded health care program for low-income residents -- will need to be dramatically expanded.


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