Presidential Race
Earlier today, the FBI announced that it was reviewing new emails to see if Hillary Clinton shared classified information tied to her use of a private server. Thuy Vu talks to PBS NewsHour politics correspondent John Yang about the final days of the race.
Death Penalty Propositions
Since California reinstated capital punishment in 1978, only 13 inmates on death row have been executed. Producer Lori Halloran and correspondent Scott Shafer examine two measures on this November's ballot that would either abolish the death penalty or speed up the process.
Death Penalty Panel
Thuy Vu moderates a discussion between former death row inmate Shujaa Graham and San Mateo County DA Steve Wagstaffe.
Interview with Author Jeff Chang
From recent riots sparked by police-involved shootings of black men, to Donald Trump's calls for building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, the issue of race has captivated and polarized the nation. Thuy Vu talks to author Jeff Chang about his new book of essays exploring recent cultural conflicts, from Ferguson to Hollywood.
Visit KQED Arts for a review of Jeff Chang's new book, We Gon' Be Alright.