Travelers are still experiencing flight delays and cancellations at San Francisco International Airport Wednesday, but relief is on the way.
According to SFO spokesman Doug Yakel, the airport is "still experiencing delays due to runway closure, (with) average delays of 45 minutes (and) 56 flight cancellations. We advise passengers to check with their airline for the status of their flight prior to coming to the airport."
SFO also tweeted that its cleanup crew is beginning the cleanup of debris from the crash Saturday of Asiana Airlines Flight 214.
Check with your airline or SFO's arrival and departure website before you leave for the airport. You can also call the airport at (800) 435-9736.
Family members of the passengers on Flight 214 are continuing to arrive in San Francisco. Asiana officials said four Korean passengers had family members arrive late Tuesday, while five additional Korean families are heading to the Bay Area today.