Forum discusses bilingualism in literature and “The Genius of Language: 15 Writers Reflect on their Mother Tongues.”
Amy Tan, author of "The Joy Luck Club," "The Kitchen God's Wife," and, most recently, "The Opposite of Fate," contributor to "The Genius of Language."
Bharati Mukherjee, professor of English at University of California at Berkeley and author of "The Tree Bride," contributed to "The Genius of Language"
Josef Skvorecky, Czech author of "The Cowards" (written between 1948 and '49) and most recently "When Eve Was Naked," professor emeritus at the University of Toronto
Wendy Lesser, editor of "The Genius of Language" as well as "The Threepenny Review" and author of several books of non-fiction
Nguyen Qui Duc, host and producer of KQED's Pacific Time, author of "Where the Ashes Are," a memoir of his life in Vietnam and his life in America after 1975, translated the poetry of Huu Thinh, author of several plays and short stories, currently working on two novels