Fran Smith and Sheila Himmel both lost their fathers around the same time – but one died in the hospital while the other died in hospice care. The differences in their experiences inspired the two journalists to take a closer look at hospice care. More than 1.5 million Americans die in hospice each year. Smith and Himmel discuss the misconceptions about hospice, and how it might change as 76 million baby boomers approach retirement.
'Changing the Way We Die': A Deeper Look at Hospice Care

(Courtesy Fran Smith & Sheila Himmel)
Sheila Himmel, former San Jose Mercury News journalist and co-author of "Changing the Way We Die: Compassionate End-of-Life Care and The Hospice Movement"
Fran Smith, former San Jose Mercury News journalist and co-author of "Changing the Way We Die: Compassionate End-of-Life Care and The Hospice Movement"