With the Republicans’ majority in the House down to just three votes, control of Congress is very much up in the air next year. And once again the road to a majority for Democrats runs through California. Nonpartisan analysts say five House seats are up for grabs, all of them currently held by Republicans. We’ll check in on those races, plus the hotly contested race to replace Palo Alto Democrat Anna Eshoo who is retiring after 30 years in Washington.
Election 2024: Why California is Key to Control of Congress

(ANDREY DENISYUK via Getty Images)
David Wasserman, senior editor & elections analyst, The Cook Political Report, a nonpartisan publication that monitors congressional races.
Marisa Lagos, politics correspondent, KQED; co-host of KQED's Political Breakdown show
Ivy Cargile, associate professor in Political Science, California State University Bakersfield
Paul Mitchell, vice-president, Political Data, Inc.