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Why Summer Camp Is A Hot Mess for Parents

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 (Boston Globe via Getty Images)

“School’s out for the summer!” is a rallying cry for students everywhere. But for working parents, summer poses a whole set of challenges, starting with – who is going to watch the kids during the day? For many, summer camps are the answer. Camps offer the promise of exploration, adventure, and a chance to make new friends and acquire new skills. And if you have a specific hobby or interest – needlework, videography, chess – there is likely a camp for you. But getting a spot in a camp, managing the constellation of choices and conflicting schedules, and, especially,  paying for a summer’s worth of camps can  present major  problems for families. Why is summer camp such a mess? Why aren’t there more affordable options for childcare when school is out? And how can you hack summer to find a spot for your child if you didn’t sign up for one in January? We’ll talk summer camp and hear from you: What’s your child doing this summer?


Lydia Kiesling, journalist and author. Kiesling's most recent piece for Bloomberg is "How Summer Camp Became Such a Hot Mess for Parents"

Eduardo Caballero, co-founder and executive director, EDMO, a summer camp in the Bay Area

Jessica Calarco, expert on inequalities in education and family life; associate professor of sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison


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