On this November’s ballot, voters will decide on whether to legalize sports betting and whether to tax the rich to subsidize electric cars. Proposition 26 would legalize sports betting in Indian casinos and horse tracks and is opposed by gaming businesses. Proposition 27 would allow online betting and is generally opposed by gaming tribes. Together supporters and opponents of the two propositions have spent over $500 million on their campaigns, and polls predict that both will fail. Proposition 30 proposes a tax on personal income over two million dollars with 80% of the proceeds going to subsidize electric cars and charging stations and the remaining going to wildfire safety. We’ll talk about the three measures with our KQED Politics team and take your questions.
Sports Betting and Taxes on Wealthy to Subsidize Electric Cars on November Ballot

(Andresr and Carlos Sanchez Pereyra via Getty Images)
Guy Marzorati, reporter and producer, KQED's California Politics and Government Desk
Kevin Stark, Reporter, KQED Science
Maanvi Singh, West Coast reporter, Guardian