Women dropped out of the U.S. workforce at a rate eight times higher than men last month, according to CNN. Meanwhile, a recent report from McKinsey and Lean.org found that one in four women are considering downshifting their careers or leaving the workforce due to Covid-19. Women in service industries have seen their jobs disappear, while those who are able to work from home are struggling to shoulder more responsibilities. Many of the pressures women already face in the workforce such as the gender pay gap, barriers to advancement and lack of flexibility have been exacerbated by the pandemic. Some experts warn that the pandemic could wipe out hard-won progress women have made in leadership and wages over past years. The crisis could, however, usher in new policies, standards and support systems for women across industries and income levels. We’ll talk with experts about how working women are faring during the pandemic and how to address the challenges.
Working women: we want to hear how the pandemic has impacted your career and life? Has the pandemic caused you to drop out of the workforce? If applicable, how have you managed your work and family obligations?Leave a voicemail with your story at 415 553-3300 or email us at forum@kqed.org. Your story may end up being played or read on air during Friday’s show.