The label had promised Bud Light was "the perfect beer for removing 'no' from your vocabulary for the night." But that's exactly the word that occurred to many people who say the message recalls alcohol's troublesome connection to sexual assaults.
Anheuser-Busch says the slogan is one of many messages it has printed on beer labels as part of its "UpForWhatever" ad campaign. But it acknowledges that it "missed the mark" with this one, saying that it has stopped making the label.
The move follows heavy criticism of the message via social media and on Reddit, where a photo of the label was placed beneath a not-safe-for-work title that expressed incredulousness at the message.
On Twitter, many said the slogan promotes rape culture.
Part of the Reddit discussion also turned on whether a drunk person would be able to say no to the question, "Are you OK to drive?" Poking fun at Bud Light, others on Twitter and elsewhere simply said that they say "no" to one of America's best-selling beers on a regular basis.